About Us

June Lyons, Owner & Founder
Our history as told by June Lyons, founder and owner of Temple Body Butters (TBB). "Growing up in a Jamaican household it was natural to use various kinds of bush teas (plant and herbs) to maintain good health or cure any kind of ailment. Whether it is Jamaican Cerasee, Leaf of Life, Aloe Vera, or Chaney Root, nature has provided a natural solution for diverse kinds of ailments. Therefore, when I started suffering from dry itchy irritated skin caused by eczema and found no relief from OTC prescriptions, I looked to nature for a cure. My research led me to the Shea Nut, which is found in Africa. It produces a butter that has wonderful healing properties and uses. I began experimenting with this butter by incorporating natural and essential oils, and found it to be an excellent moisturizer that alleviated my skin problems.
Sharing and helping others is a part of who I am. I shared my products with people experiencing similar problems and with others who wanted healthy, radiant, and a vibrant glowing skin. I was overwhelmed by the level of positive feedback regarding how well the body butters moisturized and helped their skin problems, faded their scars, and helped their baby’s cradle cap. I was inspired, and encouraged, especially by loyal customers, to sell my products to a wider market and after several years of whipping up butters, in 2020, I took a leap of faith. I brought my vision to life with an online store."
Temple Body Butter whipped butters are made with premium butters and the finest and purest qualities of oils, essential oils, and natural ingredients, we do not cut corners. Products are made in a clean and sanitized environment. Every measure is taken to provide you with a pleasant experience using any of the products that we manufacture.
Thank you for your support. We look forward to helping you achieve a healthy beautiful Temple Body glow. Remember, your body is your temple, treat it well.
"We are dedicated to providing natural high-quality body butters that empower individuals to express, discover, and celebrate their unique beauty."